Yeah, even when the last four months since the November news post, I have been feeling all over the place. I still have not warmed back up to doing public uploads of my artworks (even as replies to posts) on Twitter/X again; even when I'm currently having Newgrounds as the first place I publicly upload my art at before other places.
Oh yeah, from seeing Newgrounds and users currently celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year, I admit to still feeling a mix of inadequacy and guilt of not being her much, or deserving to being here, ever since I created this account on March 4, 2009 and gradually not be very active on here from creators I follow migrating to other platforms. Even then, I do not want to ruin the festivities while hoping the 30th Anniversary celebration and the site keeps going well among the mix of the current and older generations of users and creators.
Anyway, I think I was able to get some stuck in my mind for a long while (and I really have to work on my sleep times; especially the late-nights I've been having). In the meanwhile, here's a shenanigans image featuring a PSO2 New Genesis screencap I took, the Haushinka chibi doodle I finished last night and a slightly-fixed version (mainly the "thumbs up" arm) of the "Newgrounds" Rina-chan sadcatte chibi doodle to sort of sum up the metaphorical roller coaster I'm (still) on.